International Anti-Corruption Assembly

Happy International Day of fight against corruption


At this not easy time for Ukraine. time for change and reform December 9, International Anti-Corruption Day, povynnos Tats point of reference towards corruption-free politics and civil society with high moral principles!

Corruption threatens the rule of law, democracy and human rights of citizens, undermines the basic foundations of the state, prevents the realization of the principles of equality, social justice and healthy competition, hampering economic development and threatening the stability of democratic institutions.
That is why today, December 9, 2016, for the second time in Ukraine NGO “International Anticorruption Assembly” college students hold a joint action “Anticorruption vaccination.”
We believe that every citizen of Ukraine can purify our society from corruption.
Let’s unite in our common goal – “UKRAINE – without corruption” !!!!
SO Join Now !!!!
Start with yourself !!!


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