International Anti-Corruption Assembly

II All-Ukrainian Youth flashmob “Anticorruption vaccination.”

If you are not indifferent to their future and their country, if you are tired of tyranny, corruption of those in power and want real change Join the flashmob – come and make “vaccination against corruption!” Start action December 9, 2016 at 9:00.
Participants are invited students and student associations, students of schools and high schools, colleges, other educational institutions and children in Ukraine.

Invent a “vaccine” and become a winner (1st place) and get a cash prize of 5,000 UAN. (1 place), given the general sponsor of the II Ukrainian Youth flashmob “Anticorruption vaccination” – Charitable Foundation “International charitable corporation assistance”.
1. To December 9, 2016 a mini flashmob in the territory of their educational / child care.
2. captured on any device (camera, phone, etc ..) its the video (amateur video) up to 5 minutes, opening theme flashmob – “Anti-Corruption vaccination.” *
3. Place on his page in the social network with a mark #StopCorruption
4. Invite your friends and acquaintances view and evaluate (layknuty) own plot.
More likes – more likely !!!

Winners will be determined by the number of likes you and will be announced on 22 December 2016 at 10:00. Date and place prizes will be agreed with the winner and identified accordingly!
Any illegal attempts to increase (screwed) abuse will be punished by disqualification
* Materials of which fall under the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Public Morality” (which used violence, cruelty, etc.) will not be posted to the show. ** By sending us your video footage, you agree to use it for posting on our official yutub channel. In the future, the best materials will be posted on our official website.


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