International Anti-Corruption Assembly

III International Forum “Territory without corruption!”

Under the auspices of the NGO “International Anti-Corruption Assembly”, May 12, 2017 in Italy, in Milan, at the Congress Hall of “Washington” will be held III International Forum “Territory without corruption!” As part of a worldwide movement to combat corruption.

Representatives of eight countries (Malta, Austria, Turkey, Czech Republic, Germany, Portugal, Ukraine, Estonia), human rights activists and public figures, journalists and active young people have already confirmed their participation in this event.

They agreed to share their experience on the eradication of corruption in their countries and expressed their desire to become members of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly to sign a memorandum of cooperation.

International Forum “Territory without corruption,” and the signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation will be held on May 12, 2017 in Italy, in Milan.

Registration for the Forum opens on our website March 1, 2017

The condition to send you a personal invitation to participate in this forum is your active lifestyle, participation in the fight against all forms of corruption and / or desire to become an active member / volunteer / representative / cooperation with NGO “International Anti-Corruption Assembly!”

Please note that each participant of the Forum alone takes all their cash costs of participation in this forum (opening the Schengen visa, transportation costs, insurance, accommodation, meals, etc.).



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