International Anti-Corruption Assembly

Meeting with CRC at NABU

The head of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly received an official invitation to the meeting of public organizations with members of the “Council of Public Control” under the NABU of the current and past convocations, which took place on April 23.

The Council of Public Control – hereinafter referred to as CRC – is an independent collective advisory and consultative body, which is created to ensure transparency and civil control over the activities of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine. Its 15 members participate in the formation of the staff of the Bureau of Disciplinary Commissions, help to strengthen communication with the public and have access to the analysis of judicial proceedings of the NABU cases in the Anti-Corruption Court.

The CRC’s task is to ensure transparency and civil control over the activities of the NABU.


– Public discussion of legislative projects on the work of the NABU;

– Conducting expert reviews;

– Communication with the public during public events;

– development of recommendations on the work of the Bureau;

Functions of CRCs:

– participation in commissions for competitive selection of NABU employees;

– participation in consideration of disciplinary cases against NABU employees;

– Approval of opinions on NABU reports (twice a year);

– stating the position on the facts of violations of laws by NABU employees.

The forum was attended by the organizers represented by Oleksandr Drik (Head of the Council of the Public Lustration Committee. Master of International Politics and Law, coordinator of the “Declaration Under Control” coalition. Consultant of the International Technical Assistance Project “Anti-Corruption Initiative of the EU in Ukraine”) and Yevhen Karas (NGO “Sich-S14”, Master of Philosophy, co-founder of the “Educational Assembly”, volunteer, participant in the fighting.), representatives of the organizations of anti-corruption activities: Ukrainian public organization “People’s Anti-Corruption Supervision” represented by the Head of the Board of Kutney Roman, public organization “Anti-Corruption Initiative” and, of course, the Head of the “International Anti-Corruption Assembly” Saenko Vyacheslav.

Some topics related to the work of the RGCs were discussed. The specifics of the Rada’s actions, the conditions of voting for candidates and further opportunities for cooperation and joining its ranks were also discussed.

We shall remind you that on 31 May the rating elections will be held by internet voting for the fifth convocation of the Council of Public Control under the NABU.


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