International Anti-Corruption Assembly

Volunteers on the front line

It’s not the first time when volunteers united their afforts and moved to the front line to take some foodstuff for our soldiers. Representatives of the seperate subdivision of the International Anti-corruption Assembly in Cherkasy region, Adrushenko Vitalii and Karpenko Bohdan joined froces this time, as well as volunteers from Tsvitne in Kirovohrad region and volunteers from Talne in Cherkasy region.

This time they moved to Pokrovskyi village – 100 km away from the front line to the 5th battalion of “UVA” (Ukrainian voluntary army). Volunteers brought a big variety of food, even a frozen body of a pig. They were greetd by their congeners, assault soldier designated “Trener”, company comater “Delfin” – the hero of Ukraine; all of them stay on the front line since 2014. Receiption was pretty warm. On parting, the volunteers wished soldiers good health and fastest returning to their families!



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