International Anti-Corruption Assembly

16 червня 2022 року в онлайн-форматі (Zoom) відбувся IV Міжнародний форум «Територія без корупції». Тема форуму «Гуманітарна складова Перемоги».

Another help is already on the way

On May 7, 2022, the delegation of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly (IACA), ending its working visit to Italy, visited one of its humanitarian aid depots in Italy.

New partners

On May 6, 2022, Vyacheslav Sayenko, Secretary General of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly, met with Olga Ruseva, head of the Ukrainian office of the “International Inner Wheel”, in Saronno, Lombardy, Italy.


Consistently fulfilling its obligations to implement the project «Initiative of the Present» launched by the organization, within the framework of which, combining the efforts of the representative offices of this organization in Europe and attracting the capabilities of partners from other countries of the world, the International Anti-Corruption Assembly achieves certain successes in providing humanitarian assistance to the cargo they need.



Humanitarian supplies can be received on the territory of Ukraine only by organizations that are identified in the Unified Register of Humanitarian Aid Recipients. That is, in order to avoid misunderstandings that arise when receiving and distributing humanitarian cargo, it is necessary to involve charitable foundations and volunteer organizations in the Unified Register of Humanitarian Aid Recipients in this work. Otherwise, there are no guarantees of receipt of the declared humanitarian cargo.

Do we need control over the delivery and distribution of humanitarian aid?

As part of the “Initiative of the Present” project, Tetyana Lahovska, head of the Priirpinnia Community Foundation Charitable Foundation, asked the IACA to help find and deliver humanitarian aid to the Irpin Hospital and serves military servicemen and war-crippled citizens of Irpin.


We invite to cooperation and we help

If you need the help in delivery, sending, warehousing, or on other questions address to the coordination centers of the address and which contacts are placed below.

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