International Anti-Corruption Assembly

New acquaintances…

Today, representatives of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly were invited to the office of the Ltd. «GNMC».

Ltd. «GNMC» is a training center for occupational safety and health, which provides training with the involvement of teachers, specialists, specialists, technical experts in industrial safety with many years of experience, with the involvement of specialists of the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine and experts in the organization of training on occupational safety and health.

The Assembly was represented at the meeting by:

Ltd. «GNMC» was represented by:

  • Natalia Banoshenko – Founder, ultimate beneficiary and Director of the Training Center,
  • Olga Fedorova – Head of the Public Union «Reforms for Business: Participation and Cooperation».

During the meeting, Natalia and Olga spoke about the problems faced by the organizations in their field of activity. They discussed cooperation and possible collaboration in solving certain issues.


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