International Anti-Corruption Assembly

16 червня 2022 року в онлайн-форматі (Zoom) відбувся IV Міжнародний форум «Територія без корупції». Тема форуму «Гуманітарна складова Перемоги».

International Anticorruption Assembly included in the working group on state supervision over labor protection

March 23, members of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly attended the board meeting Derzhpratsi.
Cherhneha Roman Lytvyn reported on the results of Derzhpratsi in 2016 and discussed with the head of IAA Sayenko Vyacheslav possibility of cooperation and the introduction of IAA members of the working Grub Derzhpratsi.
In addition, the break heads of organizations discussed the plan of action to improve working conditions in the forestry enterprises, minimum wage and improving the way labor relations in Ukraine


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