International Anti-Corruption Assembly



Mr. Vyacheslav Sayenko


Was born on February 26, 1974 in the Primorsky Krai, Smolyaninovo village in the family of a military servant.
Since 1993, he held various positions of enterprises and organizations in city Odessa.
Since 2007 a public man and human rights activist of the NGO “Committee for combating organized crime and corruption.” In February 2014 was elected to the post of First Deputy Chairman of the Board, was responsible for building of the organization architecture.
In September 2015 was elected to the public position of chairman of the NGO “International Anti-Corruption Assembly.”


In 1991 graduated from in the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial College.
In 1993, due to the refusal to swear to the Russian Federation has returned to Ukraine.
From 2004 till 2009 he studied and graduated with honors from the Odessa European university, specialty “The organization and management of enterprises.”
Non-party man.
Family status: Married, three children.


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