International Anti-Corruption Assembly

Meeting on the platform «Territory Without Corruption»

On February 26, a meeting of representatives of public organizations, united by the «Territory without corruption» platform, took place at the head office of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly.

The «Territory without Corruption» platform was created in 2019. Everyone remembers it, read it, followed the news…
Public organizations and Public Councils have entered this platform. Today, for those organizations that want to cooperate with us in different directions, the TWC Union was created to formalize the partnership so that it is not just a friendly relationship, but a legally formalized business cooperation.

Among those present were representatives of public organizations such as the NGO «International Anti-Corruption Assembly» (hereinafter IACA), the Public Association «International Union of Public Organizations – TERRITORY WITHOUT CORRUPTION» (TWC), NGO «The Way of Ukrainians», Kiev regional organization NGO «Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Historical Monuments and Culture», NGO «People and Law».

Also relatively recently, organizations have been created, one might say «divisions», which have already begun the implementation of some projects in their areas. These are the Public Association «National Association of Lawyers of Ukraine – Territory Without Corruption» (NALU-TWC), Public Association «Ukrainian National Association for the Protection of Cultural Heritage» (UNAPCH), Public Association «First International Public Media Communication Alliance» (Alliance),

NALU-TWC – is an independent, clean, transparent association of legal experts.
UNAPCH – protection of the cultural heritage of our lands.
Alliance – media coverage of news.

During the meeting, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the IACA Viacheslav Sayenko personally handed certificates to the people who head the last mentioned organizations:

Dmitro Morhun – Head of the Union of Advocates NALU-TWC;
Valeriy Dryuchenko – Deputy Head of the Union of Lawyers NALU-TWC;
Mykhailo Lemak – Head of UNAPCH;
Victor Badiya – Deputy Head of UNAPCH;
Nataliia Ovsianyk – President of the Alliance;
Serhii Kutsenko – Vice-President of the Alliance;
Iryna Yashchembska – Assistant to the President of the Alliance.

After the presentation of certificates, everyone was given the floor.

The Alliance was represented by Serhii Kutsenko. In his speech, he briefly described the goals and plans of the union:

«Dreams come true if there is a desire!..
You know a lot about people, how much you care for Ukraine, but nobody knows about them. There are a lot of different initiatives, and we will try to do everything we can. To that, we are generously requested to spivpratsi …»

Head of the UNAPCH Union Mykhailo Lemak:

«It’s the situation in Ukraine, it’s a pity that it’s bad. If I have begun to feed the cultural recession, I have stuck with it, which I can see twice. Tse material and non-material cultural decline. As far as the intangible lie, the traditions and other parts, as they were passed down from father to son, then in terms of material directly we have a worse situation. In Ukraine, for hundreds of years, our culture, our language has been slandered, which has dragged along those who have not lost their material decline in our country like current. Books were written, as if on this day, they were repeatedly written in a different way, as history shows. As soon as we can recognize, raise and popularize this information, people guess who stinks, who stinks with bait, and after all, I think, we won’t stick with such food like we’ll already stick together …»

Head of the Council of Advocates of NALU-TWC Dmitro Morhun:

«Today, the necessary organization of the NALU has been organized, so you often hear about those that the bar is corrupt, but lawyers seem: And how can you be not corrupt in a corrupt system? And the tug of war begins: what is for sale, and what is not for sale …
In my opinion, the basis of justice is not the court, but the bar. To that, the lawyer is guilty of correctly constructing the position and correctly conveying it by legal methods. We hope that we will try to convey the very legal essence in the legal field. For whom was our organization created …
We are not a clone, and we do not inherit those that already exist. Lawyer organizations can be rich. We do not choose to fight, pull the rope and tell who is right among us. We try to work correctly, so it’s not enough to be, so be it a power, you can organize yourself to go through the steps of legal institutions. That is why we create advocacy correctly. Do it like this, how can you…»

The meeting was attended by the Deputy Secretary General of the Central Committee of the IACA Natalya Zubova, who in May last year voluntarily mobilized into the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. She presented the Team of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly with a Letter of Gratitude for the help and support that the organization provided to the military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during this difficult time.

Unfortunately, immediately after her speech, Natalya Zubova had to go to her military unit.

We are very glad and proud that there are responsible and patriotic people in the ranks of our organizations.

We wish all our relatives and friends who are now at the forefront good health, physical and spiritual strength, patience, endurance and the fastest Victory.

After a touching speech by Natalya Zubova, Viktor Badiya (TWC), Valeriy Dryuchenko (NALU-TWC) and Olena Oksyutenko – the Head of the NGO «The Way of Ukrainians», took the floor.

After the official discussion, representatives of the organizations did not leave the office for a long time, discussing further plans for the implementation of projects.


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