International Anti-Corruption Assembly

The award has found its Heroes

Today (April 24, 2023) the IACA is in Prague 2, Czech Republic.

Members of the organization visited the administrative district of Prague 2 to award «Badges of Honor» to participants in the «Humanitarian Component of Victory».

Prague 2 is the second municipality of Prague.

The «Badge of Honor» «Gratitude to the World from the Ukrainian People for the Humanitarian Component of the Victory» was awarded to:

  • Hanna Longauerova is the owner of a studio salon. She hired Ukrainian women to work in her salon.
  • Pavlina Hruba is a master at the salon studio. Provided a lot of help in getting Ukrainians to work in the salon.
  • Petr Oliva and Gabriela Oliva – CENTRUM humanitární pomoci Ukrajině (Center for Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine). Assistance, organization, and sending of humanitarian aid to Ukrainian displaced persons and refugees.
  • Václav Volšik – Deputy Head of IACA representative office in the Czech Republic. Organization and control over collection, transportation and delivery of humanitarian cargo for Ukraine.

Our organization is grateful to all who have helped, supported and continue to help and support our people in these difficult days.


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