International Anti-Corruption Assembly

Training “Legal Aspects and Methods of Public and Journalistic Investigation of Corruption”

Today, a regular meeting of the working group – the leaders and representatives of 6 powerful public organizations that joined the fight against corruption a week ago – signed an appropriate Memorandum of Cooperation.

At today’s working meeting, the Anti-Corruption Manifesto Project, Project of the Joint Action Plan and Task Plan was discussed.

Also, today, within the framework of the Memorandum, at the initiative of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly, the International Anti-Corruption Assembly, the first training course on “Legal Aspects and Methods of Public and Journalistic Investigation of Corruption” was held. Today’s training was held by Zubova Natalia.

Getting the latest knowledge and skills, sharing knowledge and experience, for our united, strong team spirit!

We are very grateful to all the members of our association and look forward to further fruitful joint work!
Join our association! We are open for cooperation!
We recall the list of Organizations that signed the Memorandum of Cooperation, namely:

1.International public organization “International Anti-Corruption Assembly”
Head of the Board Saenko Vyacheslav

NGO “Journalists Against Corruption”
Head of Kyiv Oblast Branch Oleg Valuysk
NGO “Stop illegal”
Head of the Board Shynkarenko Denis
NGO “Union of Greeks of Ukraine”
The first vice president is Koretsky Nikolay
NGO “All-Ukrainian People’s Anticorruption Committee”
Gerchak Nikolay
NGO “Committee for the Suppression of Organized Crime and Corruption” Head of the Organization – Chelsea Georgy


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