International Anti-Corruption Assembly


Forum 2015

On December 6, 2015 at 13.00 at the International Congress Centre “Ukrainian House” in Ukraine, Kiev, 2, Khreshchatyk str., the International Forum “Our choice – a corruption-free society!” will be organized and held by the International Anti-Corruption Assembly with participation of representatives of the UN, OSCE, Interpol, reformer politicians, mass media, the public and all that strive to live in a legal and prosperous country.

Corruption threatens the rule of law, democracy, human and citizen rights; it undermines the basic foundations of the state, prevents the realization of equality and social justice, as well as healthy competition; it hinders economic development and endangers the stability of democratic institutions while morally corrupting a society.

Combating corruption is impossible without the involvement of civil society, because society is most interested in gaining the victory over this phenomenon in the modern world.

This event will allow you to get the unique opportunity to use the gained experience of international anti-corruption organizations in their fighting against corruption and fraud.

Participation in the forum is free.


12.00-13.00 Registration for the Forum. Accreditation of media representatives.
13.00-13.30 Opening of the Forum.

Opening address by the Chairman of the NGO “International anti-corruption Assembly” Mr. Vyacheslav Sayenko.

13.30-13.45 Speech of the Head of the Charitable Organization “International charitable help corporation ” Mr Kostyantin Holban.
13.45-14.05 Speeches of regional representatives:

– The Head of Department in city Kyiv Mr. Eugene Galagan;

– Plenipotentiary representative of the NGO “International anti-corruption Assembly” Mr. Rostislav Blazhkiv.

14.05-14.25 Presentation of the youth movement:

– Chairman of the trade union of students of the NTU “KPI” Mr. Andrey Havrushkevych;

– President of the NGO “Youth Movement. Youth for Human Rights ” Ms. Anna Hanzhul.

14.25-14.40 Speeches of politicians and reformers:

Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ms.Iryna Suslova.

14.40-15.10 Speeches of representatives of public organizations and foundations:

– Chairman of the NGO “Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine” Mr. Ruslan Pikashev;

– Chairman of the charity fund “European Cities” Mr. Mykola Rozhdestvenskyi;

– President of CF “Inter-Continental Foundation Center for Democracy and Freedom” Mr. Valeriy Skyba.

15.10-15.40 Statement by representatives of international combat corruption organizations:

– Head of the NGO RO “International anti-corruption Assembly” in Portugal Mr Vyacheslav Oliynyk;

– Head of the NGO RO “International anti-corruption Assembly” in Germany Mr.Ihle Hugo;

– Deputy head of the NGO RO “International anti-corruption Assembly” in Italy Mr Roman Romanskyi;

– Deputy head of the NGO RO “International anti-corruption Assembly” in Italy. Christian Garavaglia.

15.40-15.50 Answers to questions.

Chairman of the NGO “International anti-corruption Assembly” Mr. Vyacheslav Sayenko answers your questions.

15.50-16.00 Closing Speech of the Chairman of the NGO “International anti-corruption Assembly” Mr. Vyacheslav Sayenko.