International Anti-Corruption Assembly

IACA and YouControl

On May 21 in the central office of YouControl was held a working meeting of the Public Association “International Anti-Corruption Assembly” with the heads of IT-company.


IT-company, which develops information-analytical online system for business analytics, competitive intelligence and verification of counterparties. It forms a dossier for each company in Ukraine on the basis of open data, tracks changes in state registries and visualizes connections between affiliated persons.

 The unique technology allows to get actual (at the time of the request) information about the company or FLP from more than 50 state registers, contains a full database of licenses, history of companies, as well as the database of analytical materials. The monitoring function allows you to review the company’s dossier, reports changes daily according to official sources.

The IT company was represented by Sergey Milman, the Founder and CEO of YouControl, and Antonina Ryakhovskaya, the Head of the Public Relations Department of YouControl.

On behalf of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly: Secretary General of the Central Committee Vyacheslav Saenko and Head of the Representative Office in Ukraine Viktor Badia.

Each of the parties spoke about the essence of its activities, experience, opportunities that can bring comprehensive results in addressing issues in the interaction.

After a long conversation it was decided to sign the memorandum and become partners… The next Monday – May 27 – is the day of signing the partnership relations.


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