International Anti-Corruption Assembly

Do we need control over the delivery and distribution of humanitarian aid?

As reported in the articles “Initiative of the Present” and “We invite to cooperation and we help”, the International Non-Governmental Organization “International Anti-Corruption Assembly” (IACA), which deals with the destruction of corruption as the main enemy of the state, launched the “Initiative of the Present”, which brought together donors who provide charitable assistance, sending goods to Ukraine and undertook to control the links of the entire cycle of international humanitarian aid and ensure the targeted use of funds under charitable programs and the receipt of humanitarian goods to those who order them.

In addition, the IACA advises Ukrainian charitable foundations, volunteer organizations, and logistics teams on attracting international charitable assistance to Ukraine.

As part of the “Initiative of the Present” project, Tetyana Lahovska, head of the Priirpinnia Community Foundation Charitable Foundation, asked the IACA to help find and deliver humanitarian aid to the Irpin Hospital and serves military servicemen and war-crippled citizens of Irpin.

The cargo, which was ordered by the hospital through the Priirpinnia Community Foundation Charitable Foundation, was delivered to Lutsk and unloaded at a warehouse of one of the city’s charitable foundations. However, the fund’s management found that the shipment had been unpacked and some of the drugs and medical equipment transferred to other organizations, because the donor had not indicated to whom the shipment was addressed.

The organization, through the head of the IACA office in Volyn region Svitlana Fedkevych, found a warehouse and organization that accepted the cargo and informed the Head of Mission IACA in Ukraine Viktor Badia, who is in Kyiv.

Then the story of this cargo was like a detective.

The IACA still managed to find and completely restore the list of medical orders of Irpin Hospital.

Thanks to the established contacts with the adviser to the head of the Kyiv City Military Administration Oleksiy Bulaivsky, who instructed the former employee of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine Oleksandr Gromov, who is now in Lutsk and is engaged in advocacy, to deal with this cargo and restore it in full, which he did.

It was Oleksandr Gromov (pictured right) who received the cargo from a representative of the Lutsk Charitable Foundation and sent it to Kyiv with the spouses of volunteers Maksym and Maryana Kedrovsky.

The organization is grateful to Maksym Kedrovsky (pictured left) and Mariana Kedrovsky (pictured center), who delivered the cargo to Kyiv and handed it over to IACA Representative Valery Dryuchenko (pictured center) and Kyiv City Military Administration Adviser Oleksiy Bulaivsky (picture on the right).

The cargo was delivered to Irpin Hospital, where it was gratefully accepted.

So what conclusions can be drawn from this story? We believe – only one.

It is necessary to have a team of reliable partners, who guarantee the ordering, delivery, protection and receipt of the necessary humanitarian aid.

Join the IACA “Initiative of the Present” project and you will be part of the team that guarantees the humanitarian aid you need.

Glory to Ukraine!


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