International Anti-Corruption Assembly

Summary of Q1 2019 results

Today, on April 12, the Head of the organization and representatives of regional subdivisions held a closed meeting in the central office of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly.Vyacheslav Saenko, Head of the organization, addressed the audience.

Quarterly meeting of the members of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly

Today, the scheduled meeting of the members of the organization and the heads of the separate units is taking place at the Central Office of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly (Kyiv). The agenda will cover the following issues: Report on the work of the organization (3 quarters of 2018) Consideration of the draft work plan for…

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Annual Progress Report on IAA (2017)

On February 3, a meeting of heads of separate divisions of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly was held in Kiev, to hold the annual reporting meeting. The managers were provided with a report on the work done for 2017. Analyzing its work, the team has written short-term and long-term goals and objectives of the organization’s development….

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Report of the NGO “International anti-corruption Assembly declared satisfactory

November 10, 2016 in Kiev the annual report of the Chairman of the NGO “International anti-corruption Assembly” Sayenko VL The meeting was attended by over 60 members of Kiev, Odessa, Dnieper and Cherkassy regions and invited guests. During V. Saenko report said members of the organization on areas of work that the organization was engaged…

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