International Anti-Corruption Assembly

Meeting at the NAIRON factory

On May 5, 2022, a delegation of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly (hereinafter-IACA) visited the office of Rolando Riccardi, owner of the Nairon factory (Lead Company in the Metal Laminate Sector) in Busto Arsizio, Varese Province (Nairon srl, Via Varese 9, 21052 Busto Arsizio, VA.).

The conversation was held in a friendly and open conversation. The difficult situation in Ukraine was discussed, as well as the loss of a great partner today in the face of our country, because the main raw materials for production at the factory come mostly from the territory of Ukraine.
After a warm conversation, the delegation was invited to get familiar with the products and production capacity of the factory.

Rolando Riccardi also offered assistance to refugees as jobs. You can get information by following the link to the site
According to Rolando Riccardi, two Ukrainians currently work at the factory.


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