International Anti-Corruption Assembly

The award has found its Heroes. – Salvador Dali ART Academy of Contemporary Art

Today, July 20, 2023, Vyacheslav Sayenko – Secretary General of the Central Committee of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly (IACA) and Natalia Ovsyanik – President of the NGO “First International Public Media-Communication Alliance” (FIPMA) arrived at the “Salvador Dali Academy of Contemporary Art”, having accepted the invitation to the solemn event dedicated to awarding graduates with certificates and diplomas of graduation from the International Art Lyceum, Art College and ART-Academy.

“Salvador Dali Art Academy of Contemporary Art” (IV level of accreditation) and Salvador Dali Art College (I level of accreditation) are modern higher education institutions where the content of professional training has been updated, advanced pedagogical technologies and innovative approaches to training specialists in design and art history have been introduced.

For this purpose, in 1992 the Private Institution of Higher Education “Art College of Decorative Modeling and Design” was founded on the base of the Designer National University, and since 1995 a Design Studio for school children has been established in the College and since 1997 professional design courses and computer graphics for adults were organized. This helped to tackle not only training for youth  but also organize leisure and additional education for adults.
In 2000 the Art College became the basic educational institution of the newly formed public organization «Confederation of Designers and Stylists of Ukraine», which involved leading designers from Ukraine and other countries, as well as brought together the main staff resource of the Art College of Decorative Modeling and Design.
In order to ensure a complete cycle and continuity of design education, in 2004 the Institute of Decorative Modeling and Design (IV accreditation level) was established. Thus, a training complex of continuous art education was formed, providing a complete cycle of training for design professionals.
Since 2008 the Art Institute of Decorative Modeling and Design acquaired the name of the distinguished surrealistic artist Salvador Dali, which not only confirmed the creativity of the school, but also opened up new opportunities for international cooperation.
Since 2011 the Institute has been training foreign citizens at the Preparatory department and providing education in design specialties at the bachelor“s and master“s levels.
Since January 2019 the Institute has been renamed into Salvador Dali Academy of Contemporary Arts.
On April 25, 2023, our Art Academy became a member of the European Association of Universities.

A few days ago representatives of IACA and FIPMA visited ART Academy to interview representatives of the educational institution.

Oksana Fursa – charming Woman, Ukrainian Artist, President of “Salvador Dali ART Academy of Contemporary Art”, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, President of the Confederation of Designers and Stylists of Ukraine, told about the Academy and conducted a small excursion, telling about the subtleties of training future masters of art, conducted a small excursion, telling about the institution subtleties of training future masters of art.

Oleksandra Humenna – Rector at “Salvador Dali ART Academy of Contemporary Art”, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, told about the Academy’s humanitarian projects.

Svitlana Katenova – Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Honorary Professor of “Salvador Dali ART Academy of Contemporary Art” told about the project “Silk Painting” (brand of Oksana Fursa) and the warrior shawl “Blessing of the Mother of God”.

During the solemn event dedicated to awarding certificates and diplomas of graduation from the International IT-ART Lyceum, Art College and ART Academy to the graduates, Vyacheslav Leonidovich awarded “Badges of Honor” – the Award ” Gratitude of the World from the Ukrainian people for the Humanitarian Component of the Victory” to those who proved by their actions their involvement in this project.

The award “Gratitude of the World from the Ukrainian People for the Humanitarian Component of the Victory” was created on the initiative of the NGO International Anti-Corruption Assembly with the support of the CO “International Charitable Help Corporation”. This is a unique piece made of brass – the remnants of the shell casings of weapons used to defend our country over the past year. The “materials” for the “Badges of Honor” were handed over to the representatives of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly by soldiers on the front line. This is a symbol of gratitude that was born in the hearts of soldiers, volunteers, mothers, wives, children; all those involved in the fight against planetary “Evil”.

The award has found its Heroes

For their active help, for their dedication and sincerity were awarded:

Oksana Fursa – President of ART Academy of Contemporary Art named after Salvador Dalí Further Ukrainian artist, Rector of Salvador Dalí Institute of Art, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, President of Confederation of Designers and Stylists of Ukraine.

  • Installation of a cross on St. Sophia of Kyiv.
  • Holding and organizing a charity exhibition “Between Heaven and Earth” in cooperation with the Taras Shevchenko National Museum, Mystets Gallery.
  • Project “Blessing of the Mother of God”, a warrior’s shawl and amulet.
  • Creation and opening of the first rehabilitation art-therapeutic space for self-recovery of warriors of Azov, 92 and 95 brigades on the basis of MIRUM Clinic and Dali Art Academy.
  • Holding charitable Ukrainian evenings abroad, namely in Kazakhstan, in cooperation with ALMAU, in Grand Canary, In cooperation with the Taras Shevchenko National Museum and the Art Renova Ukraine Charitable Foundation.

Oleksandra Humenna – Rector at the Salvador Dali Academy of Contemporary Art, PhD in Economics, Professor.

  • Organization of art therapy for young patients in Okhmatdet – project management for the creation of art spaces (preparation of sketches, search for partners, implementation of the first stage of the project).
  • Project manager for the design of military artifacts for charity auctions to support the AFU.
  • Project manager:
    – Organization of charity events in the USA (Bloomington, Indiana) to support students whose parents died during military actions (130 thousand UAH were collected),
    – creation of the Fund to support Art Academy students in critical situations with organizational and financial assistance of Viridian Moon Art Gallery (Bloomington, Indiana, USA) – almost 50 thousand UAH were collected.

Vitaly Bugay – Pro-Rector of the Salvador Dali ART Academy of Contemporary Art.

  • Creation of an art-therapeutic space for self-recovery of warriors of Azov, 92 and 95 brigades in Mirum Hospital and Salvador Dali Art Academy of Contemporary Art.
  • Conducting and organizing the charity exhibition “Between Heaven and Earth” in cooperation with the National Museum of Taras Shevchenko, Mystets Gallery.
  • The project “Blessing of the Mother of God” – a shawl for a warrior.
  • Installation of a cross on St. Sophia of Kyiv.
  • Okhmatdet – creation of art therapy project design for young patients and realization of art therapy.
  • Holding charitable Ukrainian evenings abroad, namely in Kazakhstan, in cooperation with ALMAU, in Grand Canary, In cooperation with the Taras Shevchenko National Museum and the Art Renova Ukraine Charitable Foundation.

Svitlana Katenova – Honorary Professor of Art at the Salvador Dali Academy of Contemporary Art, Head of the Art Renova Ukraine Charitable Foundation.

  • One of the organizers of the Art-Renova Ukraine Charitable Foundation, under the auspices of which she conducted or participated in events to promote Ukrainian Art abroad (Kazakhstan, Canary Islands, USA).
  • Organization and fundraising for support and preservation of cultural, educational and spiritual heritage of Ukraine (exhibitions, fairs-sales, charity evenings-presentations).
  • Creation and opening of the first rehabilitation art-therapeutic space for self-recovery of warriors of Azov, 92 and 95 brigades on the basis of MIRUM Clinic and Dali Art Academy.
  • Supporting the AFU.

ART teachers at the Salvador Academy of Contemporary Art:

Serzh Tkachuk-Turkevichassistance in art therapy for young patients. Okhmatdet – creation of art spaces (preparation of sketches, search for partners, realization) of the City of Miracles project.

Kira Tregubenko, Olga Klimovaorganization of the process and painting of military artifacts – shell casings and boxes from army cartridges.

Natalia Prokopetsmaking nets for military camouflage.

Svitlana Semenyukactive volunteer position, organizing and conducting art therapy for the military and those returned from captivity.

Elena Babenchikorganization of the process and coloring of military artifacts – shell casings and boxes from army cartridges, sewing for the military and wounded, starting from necessary things for the hospital, ending with plates, handbags, etc.

Victoria Kartashova is an artist, teacher of Salvador Dali Art Academy of Contemporary Art, volunteer, fundraiser of international projects.

  • August 2022 – participated in the charity project “Kherson is Ukraine” and presented 2 portrait paintings “Taras Shevchenko” and “Cossack-Characteristic”. The paintings were presented at exhibitions in Uman, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Kryvyi Rih, Lviv and Kyiv and sold at an exhibition abroad in Luxembourg. All the funds raised from the sale, which amounted to UAH 120,000, went to the Kherson Region is Ukraine Foundation, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the restoration of cultural monuments in the south, and assistance to residents of the Kherson region.
  • October 2023 – participation in the project of the Professor Baksheyev Foundation (Kyiv) to purchase an ambulance to evacuate wounded soldiers from the front line. For Vadym Volodymyrovych Shumad, an anesthesiologist in charge of the VERUM expert clinic. The artist’s painting “Genius 2. Albert Einstein” was sold at auction for UAH 30,000, all proceeds went to the project fund.
  • December 2022 – organized and conducted free master classes for 65 children of IDP families from Enerhodar and Avdiivka.

Olena Hrebenyuk – Famous Ukrainian Opera singer, public figure, volunteer, executive director of the international humanitarian foundation Bucha Help, teacher of ART at the Salvador Dali Academy of Contemporary Art.

Active participation in all projects of the ART Academy.

Larysa Chabak – Director of the Salvador Dali International Art Lyceum.

Charity projects:

  • “Strength in Unity” – a charity fair (Lyceum students, their parents and teachers collected 10187 UAH, which was partially spent on the purchase of turnstiles that stop blood; and also transferred a 17-kilogram parcel with goodies for the 120th Air Defense Brigade to the front).
  • Okhmatdyt – creation of art spaces (preparation of sketches, search for partners, implementation) for the City of Wonders project.

Lyudmyla Tymchenko – Deputy Director for Educational Work of the Salvador Dali International Art Lyceum.

Organizing concerts for the military, children, and hospitals. The band “There, where we are”.

Olesia Andrunevchyn – Teacher of Ukrainian language and literature, class teacher of the Salvador Dali International Art Lyceum.

Charity project “Strength in Unity” – a charity fair (The lyceum students, their parents and teachers raised 10187 UAH, which was partially spent on the purchase of turnstiles that stop blood; and also transferred a 17-kilogram parcel with goodies for the 120th Air Defense Brigade to the front).

Zhanna Semerenko – ART librarian at the Salvador Dali Academy of Contemporary Art.

Designing military artifacts for charity auctions to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Svitlana Dobrovolska – Deputy Director for Administrative and Economic Affairs of the Salvador Dali International Art Lyceum.

Support and participation in charity projects, including “Strength in Unity”: a charity fair (lyceum students, their parents and teachers collected 10187 UAH, which was partially spent on the purchase of blood-stopping turnstiles; and also transferred a 17-kilogram parcel with goodies for the 120th separate artillery brigade of the Armed Forces).

Employees of the ART economic service of the Salvador Dali Academy of Contemporary Art: Svitlana Bondarchuk, Anatoliy Perevespa, Lyudmyla Siryk, Olena Yurina.

Making camouflage nets for the military.

Anna Konovalovaassistance in installing a cross on St. Sophia of Kyiv. The project “Blessing of the Virgin Mary”, a scarf amulet for a soldier.

Students (Designing military artifacts for charity auctions to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the City of Miracles charity project (Okhmatdyt)):

Vsevolod Olenych – graduate of the Salvador Dali Academy of Contemporary Art.
Volodymyr Bushyn is a graduate of the Salvador Dali Art College.
Vladyslav Khrystiuk – a graduate of the Salvador Dali Art College.
Timur Kryvoshapka – 2nd year of the Salvador Dali Academy of Contemporary Art.
Mykhailo Borshchevych is a graduate of the Salvador Dali Academy of Contemporary Art.
Veronika Sukhoviy is the author of the work “Windows”, which was sent to Sweden to raise funds for a car for the Kholodnyi Yar battalion.
Nina Pecherytsia, Nadiia Koreneva, Daria Ovchynnikova, Daria Oleksienko.

Olga Anufrieva, journalist, and Volodymyr Anufriyev, photographer and videographer.

Together with the team, they prepared and filmed materials:
– about the installation of the Cross on the dome of St. Sophia of Kyiv,
– about art therapy for released Azov prisoners of war.

After awarding the “Badges of Honor” and diplomas, the graduates recited the solemn Designer’s Oath and traditionally tossed their confederates (academic caps).

We wish the graduates all the best, to believe in their strength and dreams, to never give up, to get a high income and make their lives rich, bright and beautiful.

We believe in Victory, We believe in the Future!


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