International Anti-Corruption Assembly

International Day Against Corruption

Today, December 9, the whole world celebrates the Day of the fight against corruption (International Day Against Corruption).
Our best congratulations on the International Anti-Corruption Day to all indifferent people – active fighters against corruption, associates, colleagues, members of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly and other international organizations involved in combating the corruption worldwide.

Corruption – is a complex social, economic and political phenomenon, which to some extent affected all countries regardless of their level of development. That corruption impedes economic development of society and undermines the state and the social principles of the country.
To stand up against corruption is impossible without the involvement of all citizens, as a society is more interested in defeating this phenomenon in the modern world.

Therefore, on this day in many parts of the world are held different forums, meetings, events, flash mobs and other events devoted to the International Day against Corruption.

We believe that every citizen of Ukraine is able to cleanse the society from corruption.

SO OUR STRENGTH is in the unity!!!
ONLY altogether we will defeat corruption in all its forms !!!

Yours faithfully,
Vyacheslav Sayenko
The head of the public organization “International Anticorruption Assembly”


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