International Anti-Corruption Assembly

Sumy have low start

13-00 in the hall of the Sumy Chamber of Commerce began presentation of a chapter of the regional public organization “Assembly of the International Anti-Corruption” in the Sumy region.
The presentation was attended by representatives of the regional council, the national police, public organizations and media representatives.

The first word given to the President of the NGO “International Anti-Corruption Assembly” Saenko Vyacheslav, who spoke about the problems kotoryepodymayut members of the organization in their daily work. Announced plans for the near future, registration and opening a representative office in Portugal (Lisbon). And also announced the date of the 2nd International Forum in Lisbon. By the end of the year the NGO “International Assembly of Anti-Corruption” will open representative offices in 25 countries around the world.
Just do not go unnoticed and students. It was first announced by the date of opening of the first in Ukraine and the world anti-corruption TEDx platform for sharing experiences in the fight against corruption and corruption schemes.
The head of the Sumy Regional Administration Klochko Nikolai noticed that the fight against corruption in government should start with the top of the government (in particular the regional councils). It is also reported that at the moment the operation is carried out on the bodies of fiscal services disclosure of corruption schemes in which the involved public authorities. Nikolai noticed that the work of NGOs in the region should be done not only in words but today the signing of a memorandum of co-operation will bring the country and the region in resolving the issue of corruption in all spheres.



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