International Anti-Corruption Assembly

Happy birthday, Viacheslav Leonidovich!

Today, February 26, 2023, General Secretary of the Central Committee of international public organization «International Anti-Corruption Assembly» Viacheslav Leonidovich Sayenko celebrates his birthday.

Dear Viacheslav Leonidovich!

The team of the organization you lead and all members of the organizations you created, who doing civil society institutions exercising public control over on the basis of the Constitution of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine «Law of National Security», with best regards and best wishes congratulate you with day of your Birthday!

Trough to your hard and painstaking work, Ukraine is reviving true democratic civilian control, based on the principle of accountability government agencies, the public sector security and defense for people, which are the important part of the way to real democracy. Your efforts to implementation of public diplomacy are already have yielding certain results in countries of Europe.

We wish you good luck in your persistent and purposeful important to the public labor, which gives confidence in the victory of the democratic forces of Ukraine – corruption, the greatest issue of our country .

We wish energy, fortitude, inspiration, implementation of plans and new ideas in your leadership activities.

You are the rock and an example of person, who always able to solve an important problems, find compromises and mutual understanding in the team. Remain the authority of subordinates and still have partner’s respect. Prosperity and all ordinary life’s joys!


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