International Anti-Corruption Assembly


The award has found its Heroes (Czech Republic)

For more than a year our country has been in the center of attention.

All over the world there are actions, forums and exhibitions in support of Ukraine. One of such exhibitions is taking place now in Prague, at 6, Ramkova Street, Gallery «Lapidárium», the owner of which is Svetlana Kolouskova.

From April 4 to 18 the gallery is presenting the multimedia project UKRAIN REVIVAL. This project presents unique artistic expressions and metaphors of famous Ukrainian artists, their philosophy based on the centuries-old spiritual heritage of Ukraine.

Part of this project was the press-conference «Gratitude to the World from the Ukrainian People for the Humanitarian Component of the Victory», which took place on April 12, 2023 in the Gallery «Lapidárium», one of the organizers of which is the International Anti-Corruption Assembly. During the event, volunteers of the Czech Republic were awarded the «Badge of Honor».

Awards were given to:

  • Svetlana Kolouskova – Owner of Lapidárium Gallery;
  • Severyn Romaniv – employee of the Cardiology Center of the Prague University General Hospital, Member of the Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) Group of the VFN Cardiology Center, Prague;
  • Lesya Kopchuk is the owner of a wedding dress salon in Prague, which she turned into a factory making body armor, military uniforms and periscopes, founding a volunteer association of Czech women to help Ukraine;
  • Bogdan Raychynets – President of the European Congress of Ukrainians and head of the organization «Ukrainian Initiative in the Czech Republic»;
  • As well as volunteers and activists Taras Kostjuk, Oleg Shokalo, Kateryna Zavizhenets, Ivan Barylo, Petr Ciganek, Roman Mytryk, Halina Vasilenko.

This award is a unique work of creation, made of brass – the remains of the shell casings of weapons that have been used to defend our country over the past year. It is a symbol of appreciation born in the hearts of soldiers, volunteers, mothers, wives, children, all those who are involved in the fight against the planetary «Evil».

Anyone who has proven by his or her actions to participate in the «Humanitarian component of Victory» can receive this «Badge of Honor». To do this, you have to fill out the form by clicking on the link

After your data are processed within seven days, you will be notified of the results. Within one month, according to the schedule, you will receive an individual numbered badge of honor of a participant of the Humanitarian component of the Victory.

The events were organized by:

Svetlana Kolouskova – owner of the Gallery «Lapidárium»,
Ludmila Gulenok – Chairman of the «Charitable Foundation «Patriotic Ukraine»,
Vyacheslav Sayenko – Secretary General of the Central Committee of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly,
Oleg Tarasov – executive director of «Art Embassy» Public Association,
Tatiana Smetana – head of the Public Union «Verba»,

Curators of the project:

Oksana Fursa – Ukrainian artist, Rector of the Salvador Dali Institute of Arts, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, President of the Confederation of Designers and Stylists of Ukraine.
Vadim Krechmar – Ukrainian artist and art historian.

Project managerOleg Tarasov
Main media

At the end of the press conference a charity auction was held aimed at raising funds to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine as part of the art project «Ukrainian Revival».


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