International Anti-Corruption Assembly


Today, on December 5, 2023, representatives of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly, the International Union of Public Organizations «Territory without Corruption» and «FIPMA» attended the 12 Annual Civil Society Development Forum «MAY THE FORCE BE WITH US».

Representatives of NGOs, charitable foundations, social activists, volunteers, all those who take an active civic position (for promotion, networking, training) were invited to this event. Also present were international partners, donors, whose goal is to strengthen the role of civil society, government officials and representatives of local communities, local authorities.

12 Annual Civil Society Development Forum «May the Strength Be With Us»

Mrs. Bridget Brink, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Ukraine, delivered the opening address during the opening of the 12th Forum.

«Civil society remains a life-giving force for recovery and key reforms on the road to European integration. Civil society, government – each has a role to play. Each without the other cannot succeed …
Today I affirm that the U.S. is proud to support the powerful voice of civil society, you are already doing so much … Your potential is so great. We are proud to be with you not only in times of war, but also in the transformation of your country. You have the potential to create a brave and dignified future for yourselves and the next generation. And it is in our interest to have such a partner – strong, democratic and free»…

After the introduction, historical figures such as Lesya Ukrainka, Vyacheslav Chornovol, Bohdan Khmelnitsky, Taras Shevchenko, Simon Petliura and Mykola Gogol addressed the modern generation.

«We should work more, think more, strive more. And language is a choice, it is a responsibility, it is even a burden and work…» – Lesya Ukrainka

Later, speakers were invited to the Main stage for the panel discussion «National Identity: Power Within Us?» co-organized by the United Nations Development Programme in Ukraine. The main goal of the panel discussion was to comprehensively explore the key role of national identity in shaping social resilience, especially in the context of a long war.

The participants of this panel discussion were:

Natalya Kryvda – doctor of philosophy, professor at Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, academic director of the Edinburgh Business School, expert of the «Ukrainian Cultural Fund»
Olesya Ostrovska-Lyuta – general director of the Mystetskyi Arsenal National Art and Culture Museum Complex,
Bohdan Logvynenko – Ukrainian writer, journalist, TV presenter, public figure; founder of the Ukrainer project,
Yevhen Nyschuk – Ukrainian theater and film actor, politician, public figure; People’s Artist of Ukraine (2015); Minister of Culture of Ukraine in 2014 and 2016-2019,
Vladyslav Yatsuk – Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine

After a short break, Donor presentations: funding and cooperation with civil society organizations took place on the main stage.

Representatives of the organizations shared their activities, thoughts and suggestions with the audience:

After a break, the panel discussion «Euro-vision: how EU integration shapes Ukraine’s strength», co-organized by the International Renaissance Foundation, discussed the following topics:

  • Determining to what extent European integration is a source of strength for Ukraine’s modernization and development;
  • Outlining the main challenges and tasks facing Ukraine as a candidate country for EU membership;
  • Discuss the role of civil society in promoting the necessary reforms;
  • Strengthening Ukraine’s position in future EU accession negotiations.

During the discussions on the main stage, Lectures on the following topics were held at separate panel locations:

«Recovery and rebuilding: enabling the power of CIVIC engagement»,
«One person in the field is not a warrior: how can we win by mutually empowering each other?»
«Operation “De-occupation”: what challenges should civil society prepare for next?»

There were also breakout sessions for discussions: Prudence, Bravery, Justice, Temperance, Faith, Hope, Love, where no less important issues have been discussed.

In the «Long Breath» Space, guests of the event had the opportunity to take part in thematic board games such as: «Together You are Safe», «PravoGames», «Funds Hunter», «Being emotional».

During the event, the Forum was attended by associations from the non-governmental sector who presented their organizations.

The Forum’s exhibition area hosted a Social Business Fair, where you could buy gifts for St. Nicholas and Christmas and donate to important social causes.


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