International Anti-Corruption Assembly


International Anticorruption Forum “Territory without corruption!”

For the first time, under the auspices of the public organization “international anti-corruption Assembly, 22 may 2016 in Portugal, in Lisbon, will host the international forum “Territory without corruption!” in the framework of the universal movement of Ukraine for reforms.
Representatives of 9 countries (Portugal, Ukraine, Italy, Estonia, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary), human rights activists and public figures, and journalists active young people, have already confirmed their participation in this event.
This is a known professionals in this field, ready to unite their efforts to overcome corruption in the world.
They agreed to share lessons learned in fighting corruption in their countries and expressed their willingness to join the International anti-corruption Assembly, to sign a Memorandum of cooperation.
International forum “land without corruption!” and the signing of the Memorandum on cooperation will be held on may 22, 2016 in Portugal in Lisbon.

Please note that every Forum member’s responsibility to take care of all your cash expenses for participation in this Forum (opening Schengen visas, transportation costs, insurance, hotel accommodation, meals, etc.).

Program International Anticorruption Forum “Territory without corruption!”
Hotel “Fenix”. Lisbon. Portugal
Sunday May 22, 2016

11:00 – 11:30 Registration of participants
12:00 – 12:30 Opening of the Forum, a welcome address by the President of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly Vyacheslav Saenko.
12:30 – 12:30 Welcoming remarks by guests of the Forum.
13: 00 – 13: 15 Session 1: Report of the lecture on the situation in the fight against corruption in Ukraine. The methodology and the way of return to the country of corrupt money.
13: 15 – 13: 30 Session 2: New methods to identify corrupt practices in the public sector.
13:30 – 13: 45 Session 3: High technology in the fight against corruption.
13:45 – 14: 00 Session 4: Interaction of anti-corruption agencies under the aegis of the UN.
14:00 – 14: 15 Session 5: Experience detection of corruption schemes and the eradication of corruption in Guatemala.
14:15 – 14: 30 Session 6: Webinars as a means of information exchange efforts in the fight against corrupt practices.
14:30 – 14: 45 Session 7: “Corruption Tour” as a method of combating corruption in the Czech Republic.
14:45 – 15: 00 Session 8: “The Council for the prevention of corruption” as an effective authority and a mechanism for minimizing corruption in Portugal.

Coffee break. Dinner.

16:00 – 16:15 Session 9: Tax policy states. Transfer pricing as a mechanism to combat corruption.
16: 15 – 16:30 Session 10: “The Independent Commission against Corruption” – 40 years of success in Hong Kong
16:30 – 16: 45 Session 11: Analysis of judicial practice in the fight against corruption. World experience.
16:45 – 17: 00 Session 12: The fight against corruption in Brazil. Operation «Lava Jato».
17:00 – 17: 15 Session 13: Cooperation and interaction with civil society organizations to achieve results in the fight against corruption. USA. Canada.
17:15 – 17: 30 Session 14: Features of the fight against corruption in China. Legal aspects.
17:30 – 17: 45 Closing remarks.
17:45 – 18: 00 Presentation and signing of the memorandum and the closing of the forum.
20: 00 – Cocktail reception.

Registration for participation in the forum “Territory without corruption!”


For further information, please call:
+38 068 843 65 93
+38 050 843 90 83
[email protected]