International Anti-Corruption Assembly


1463267143-4899Ukrainian singer Jamal won the international song contest Eurovision 2016.
It has received 211 points from the jury, and 323 points on the basis of SMS voting of the audience. In the end, Jamal scored 534 points.
Jamal presented a song “1944” about the deportation of Crimean Tatars in 1944.
Second place went to singer DAMI Im from Australia (511 points) . The third – Sergey Lazarev from Russia (491).
The highest score of 12 points, Ukraine has received from the jury of 11 countries: San Marino, Georgia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denmark, Moldova, Latvia, Israel, Serbia, Macedonia, Poland and Slovenia. Ukraine gave 12 points to Lithuania.
It should be noted that according to the results of jury voting, Russia and Ukraine have not given each other any points. Following the results of voting of spectators Russia has received from Ukraine of 12 points, from Ukraine, Russia -10 points.


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