International Anti-Corruption Assembly

16 червня 2022 року в онлайн-форматі (Zoom) відбувся IV Міжнародний форум «Територія без корупції». Тема форуму «Гуманітарна складова Перемоги».

International anti-corruption Assembly took under patronage the youth football team of the village Kuchurgan

DSCN5302Activity leaders presented the NGO “international anti-corruption Assembly” in the Odessa region gave the first fruits. In the Wake of the signing of the Memorandum of cooperation between the Leadership of the city and region and the NGO “international anti-corruption Assembly”, the members of the organization took under patronage the youth football team of the village Kuchurgan. Giving each team member a complete set of playing form in time for the start of the season.
In a new form, April 17, the boys took to the pitch for a friendly match with one of the strongest teams in the district, a team from the village of Stepanivka
Guys in a hard struggle won a victory with the account 3:2 and the victory started the season 2016.
Also, the representatives of the NGO “international anti-corruption Assembly” gave all team members a health insurance policy for life insurance from MetLife.
Special thanks to the team, thanked the Vice-Chairman of OO “anti-corruption international Assembly” in the Odessa region – Dmitry Mikhailov and Chairman of OO “anti-corruption international Assembly” in the Volyn region – Svetlana Fetkevich



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