International Anti-Corruption Assembly

Public Council of the Sumy regional state administration

0 IMG_3918June in the hall of the Sumy regional state administration (RSA) held a meeting of the public Council. Forum topic – anti-corruption. The meeting was attended by representatives of regional power structures, who reported on the fight against this type of crime in Sumy. In a lively discussion participated: MP Oleksandr SUHONIAKO, the first Deputy of the regional state administration Alexander Marchenko, the head of apparatus of regional state administration Dmitry Zywicki.
Delegates from the regions of Sumy region raised the issue of bribery, non-transparent procurement, giving priority to various competitions close to power to individuals. Deputy Chairman of the regional division of the “International anti-corruption Assembly” Valery Babich after the meeting, held talks with Deputy Alexander Sugonyako on specific actions to halt the construction of a milk processing plant in Okhtyrka, which is being built despite the protests of the townspeople.
Unfortunately, the public Council at regional state administration no quorum, so an official decision was taken. However, officials have listened to the recommendations activists and some questions (e.g. regarding the entry of members of the public in a variety of “tasty” Commission on accounting type “confiscated”) promised to solve at once.


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