International Anti-Corruption Assembly

Congratulations on the Day of Constitution of Ukraine

Dear colleagues!

I sincerely and warmly congratulate you on the outstanding state holiday – the Day of the Constitution of Ukraine!

In a difficult time for our country, as never before, we understand the significance of the Basic Law and we understand the responsibility for each individual step towards the implementation of its key principles.

The Constitution of Ukraine is a solid foundation on which the relations in the political, economic, social and cultural life of the people are built. It is this document that is the key to the stable development and consolidation of our state as a democratic, independent and civilized world community.

So let the freedoms and rights provided by the Constitution contribute to all the processes of building a state to which each of you is a party.

These days we are united in our actions and thank God for his protection and support. Let this holiday add strength and confidence to our own forces and in our common victory.

I sincerely wish you all the good health, family, peace and happiness!

Glory to Ukraine!

Chairman of the “International Anti-Corruption Assembly”
Saenko Vyacheslav


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