International Anti-Corruption Assembly

Why being elected to the Public Control Council of NABU is my motivation?

The recent events in Ukarine make me, a public activist and the chairman of NGO “International Anti-corruption Assembly (hereinafter – Organization), felling anxious and encourage active forces in  fighting corruption, seraching for like-minded people and allies, as well as developing new methods for eliminating all manifestations of corruption, “eradicating” corruption as a dangerous desease against the background of our state.

Where shall we start this fight? Or we should rather say, how we can make this fight more effective and resultive and what we need to do in the nearest future.

It’s imperative to start with strengthening all state authorities in the sphere of fighting corruption, growing of their authority and trust among the public. It’s necessary to ensure independence and effectiveness of all anti-corruption authorities in Ukraine by attracting indifferent public to the work of these authorities on a voluntayr basis and active youth. We need to stop conflicts and making it all about us. We need an accurate team work. All anti-corruption authorities need to join forces and all together get involved in fighting corruption… It is our the only one aim – eliminte all manifestations of corruption in Ukraine and improve our standarts of living as a result.

Also, I am concerned about appearing and activity of a great amount of “pseudo” public organizations, whose main goal is not fighting corruption in the country, but, unfortunately, heding whis corruption and het illegal superprofits as soon as possible, as well as undermine the reputation of our state at the international level and contribute to impoverishment of Ukrainians.

Also, we must immediately start fighting public organizations – “grant-eaters”, who “launder” huge funds, after having received international support or international grants for organization and conducting fighting corruption in Ukaraine, conducting appropriate educational training among the population, conducting anti-corruption education among the active youth. The results of their activity are terrible for Ukraine as well.

Thi fight, so-called – “cleaning” among anti-corruption public organizations is to be started urgently! By all of us!

Also, I really hope, that my personal 10-years experience of working in anti-corruption public organizations and positive results of the NGO “Internetional Anti-corruption Assembly” are going to be extremely necessary in the work of the Public Control Council of NABU.


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