Digitalization of data – effective help in the fight against corruption
The Secretary General of the Central Committee International Anti-Corruption Assembly (IACA) Vyacheslav Saenko, is pleased to communicate that Following the agreement between the IACA Italy and the IACA Malta, in compliance with the new Maltese legislation on DLT and Blockchain technology, the President of IACA Italy, Deputy Roman Romanskyy met with the President of the IACA Malta, Deputy Moreno Zucchetti.
On February 21, 2020, were the conclusions of the analyzes and tests of the first software developed with blockchain technology were presented, which due to its incorruptible and protected nature, it eliminates the possibility of using distorted decision-making powers capable of carrying out corruption phenomena in every sector.
The International Anti-Corruption Assembly, recognizing the expected objective in the work of its Deputies, as foreseen by the agreements of March 2019, agrees to finance the integration of the application developed by ATPC LIMITED in the whole system of the IACA network, establishing at its headquarters of the operational centers to offer the KYC (Know Your Customer) and data control service through IACA institutional partners and the production of IACA certified Due Diligence.
In Europe there are more than 23 million companies, IACA therefore acts as a super partes interlocutor, creating opportunities, new jobs and legality, just imagine that the European average of reports to be submitted to KYC exceed 100 units per year \ company and if multiplied by the interested parties they generate a demand equal to 2.3 billion of potential requests at European level, considering that the costs for an ordinary KYC today are around an average of € 30 each, we are talking about a volume almost 70 billion Euros per year.
IACA gives access to the service in all member states of the European Community, generating hundreds of new jobs and guaranteeing an operating cost equal to one third of the KYC currently produced.
With the agreement to open at least four new operations centers, one in Italy, one in Malta, one in the Czech Republic and one in Ukraine, IACA plans to generate no less than 100 new jobs and manage a minimum turnover of 8 millions of Euros per year.
The income generated by the assets will be fully allocated to the dissemination and implementation of management and control systems against corruption.