A commendation from the Union of Greeks of Ukraine
On March 28, 2019 in the office of the Union of Greeks of Ukraine was held an interview with Mykola Khristoforovych Koretskyy.

Koretskyi Mykola Khristoforovych – First Vice-President of the “Union of Greeks of Ukraine”, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Professor, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Activities and International Relations of Vernadsky Tauride National University.
He was awarded the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called, founder of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences for Public Administration. Since 2015 – Started working in the company “International Diplomatic Ministry of National Diplomacy ” European Ukraine “.

To date, thanks to the assistance of the “International Anti-Corruption Assembly“, by the decision of the Shevchenko Court, Mykola Koretskyy was reinstated at work as vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical activities and international relations of TNU in Kiev. Thus, the violations of the current legislation committed by Kazarin V.P., Acting Rector of Vernadsky Tavricheskiy National University were proved in the judicial process.

In the office of the NGO “Union of Greeks of Ukraine” (NGO “Kyiv City Society of Greeks named after Konstantin Ipsilanti”) was held a meeting of the First Vice-President of the NGO “Union of Greeks of Ukraine”, Honored Scientists and Technicians of Ukraine, Professor, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Activities and International Relations of the Tauride National University named after V. V. Lavrynovych.I. Vernadsky Mykola Khristoforovych Koretskyi and the Head of the “International Anti-Corruption Assembly” Saenko Vyacheslav Leonidovych.
The Presidium of the NGO “Union of Greeks of Ukraine” awarded the Letter of Gratitude to the Board of the NGO “International Anti-Corruption Assembly” for high professionalism, high moral qualities, for attention and friendly attitude, for the willingness to undertake and perform work to protect the citizens of Ukraine from corruption and arbitrariness of the authorities.

“…We have moved over,” he said. You can take the hardest hours to get to the bottom of it.
The President of the State Enterprise “Union of Grecives of Ukraine”, which is a member of the Union of Columns of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly, is especially keen for the pidtrimka. Your individual, V’yacheslav Saenko’s panels and Valeriy Dryuchenko’s panels, are listening to the radio, without average participation in court proceedings on two occasions to protect the two illegally elected vice-rectors of the Tavria National University named after B.І. Vernadsky Mykola Koretskyi. First Vice President of the State Enterprise “Union of Grecys of Ukraine”. Honored Doctor of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Professor, Doctor of Science from the State Administration. You have been treated fairly. Zrozumili, she is. I am fighting for her treatise…”

I would like to wish Nikolay Khristoforovich strength, good luck and inspiration in his work. And we are sure that he still has a lot of interesting things to do, a lot of useful initiatives.