International Anti-Corruption Assembly

Right to trust

A citizen of the Slovak Republic, Josef Zatko, who is a doctor of law in his country and an independent journalist of associations in Brussels and Slovakia, has faced signs of corruption in several educational institutions located in Ukraine.

Consequences of violations of citizens’ rights

We have already reported that on April 17, 2019, representatives of the NGO “International Anti-Corruption Assembly” with representatives of the media came to the Vernadsky Tavricheskiy National University, but they were not allowed into the premises of this open state educational institution of Ukraine.


Iniquity in TNU

Today, at the entrance to the university, unknown people who introduced themselves as the university’s security guards did not allow the head of the IACA to enter the office of Nikolay Khristoforovich, which prevented him from holding a personal meeting.

Working trip to Lutsk

The wife of a Ukrainian citizen from the Volyn region, who was detained on March 19 by a local police detachment on charges of drug trafficking, appealed to the International Anti-Corruption Assembly and is currently in pre-trial detention.

Justice triumphed with the participation of the IAA to the owners returned their property seized by raiders

On February 5, the Mykolaiv Court of Appeals held the closing meeting in a case about the raider capture of the restaurant “Pirog” in Nikolaev. The trial lasted for two days! As it turned out in court that the communication equipment does not work, then no Kyiv court through a tight schedule can not hold…

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Meeting to review the case of raider seizure of land

On February 1, in the Mastiyskiy Court there was a meeting to consider the case of raider seizure of the land. The meeting was attended by members of the International Anticorruption Assembly. On the part of the defense, the Head of the Department of the “International Anticorruption Assembly” in the Lviv region Ostrovsky Ruslan spoke.

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