International Anti-Corruption Assembly

16 червня 2022 року в онлайн-форматі (Zoom) відбувся IV Міжнародний форум «Територія без корупції». Тема форуму «Гуманітарна складова Перемоги».

Open interview with Ken Philips

The head of the “International Anti-Corruption Assembly” was present at the “Open interview with Ken Phillips”. Ken Philips is a Strategic Fundraiser, Strategic Planning and Leadership Consultant with 40 years of experience in the organizational development of non-profit organizations in the United States, Romania, Belarus, Colombia and Ukraine.
In a conversation with Tetyana Minenko, Ken shared the most lucrative fundraising strategies, “10 iron rules of successful fundrading” and his own vision of global trends in franaising.
At the end of the interview there was a personal acquaintance of the head of the organization with Ken Phillips and Tetyana Minenko. De Ken Phillips gave his personal contacts and expressed his willingness to personally help in the proper development of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly.


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