International Anti-Corruption Assembly

Aivars Smans at the «Territory without corruption»

Aivars Smans, a businessman with unique life experience, entrepreneur, founder of UKRAINIAN KUTOK LLC, politician, founder and Head of the Board of the Partyof «Tautas kalpi» (Servants of the People) in Latvia https://www.facebook .com/biedribatautaskalpi/, was invited to the Coordinating Center «Territory without Corruption».

Aivars Smans –

Aivars Smans –

At the end of the conversation, the issue of participation of Aivars and his team in the Humanitarian component of the Victory was raised. For his volunteer activities, the Latvian businessman, politician and public figure was awarded the «Badge of Honor» – the Award «Gratitude to the World from the Ukrainian people for the Humanitarian component of the Victory».

The award has found its Hero!


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