International Anti-Corruption Assembly

Working visit to the Czech Republic

During the working visit to the Czech Republic, the Assembly leadership was visited by several enterprises of the ZPA Group (, the city of Pechki.

IACA executives meeting with Ken Phillips

June 16, 2018, a friendly meeting and discussion with Ken Phillips took place on the topic “Ethics in public service and in public organizations – the basis for the development of the state and society” as one of the developers of the Code of Ethics of the Municipality of Seattle.

Blockchain as a method to fight corruption

A very important agreement was signed between members of “International Anti-corruption Assembly”, in particilar IACA Italy and IACA Malta, represented by their leaders Roman Romanskyi and Sir Moreno Zucchetti. The Memorandum on cooperation was signed, that means the development of organization entirely.

IACA became a partner of the EU Anticorruption Initiative in Ukraine

At the briefing today, the Regional Anticorruption Network (EU Anticorruption Initiative in Ukraine) presented the project’s objectives and expected results and partners. The partners of the project were 6 organizations, among them the Academy of Ukrainian Press, ROX YOI and the International Anti-Corruption Assembly.

Open interview with Ken Philips

The head of the “International Anti-Corruption Assembly” was present at the “Open interview with Ken Phillips”

Opening of the office of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly in the Republic of Malta

On October 23, the head of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly (IACA), the head of the IACA representation in Italy and the civilian assets of the Republic of Malta met the capital of the Republic of Malta.

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