International Anti-Corruption Assembly

II All-Ukrainian Youth flashmob “Anticorruption vaccination.”

If you are not indifferent to their future and their country, if you are tired of tyranny, corruption of those in power and want real change Join the flashmob – come and make “vaccination against corruption!” Start action December 9, 2016 at 9:00. Participants are invited students and student associations, students of schools and high…

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Chairman IACA Roman Romansky met in Milan with Roman Goryanov

Today, October 27 at the headquarters of Ukraine’s general consul to Italy Roman Goryanov an official meeting with representatives of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly, represented by the Chairman of the Italian of a chapter – Roman Romanskyy

Happy International Day of fight against corruption

At this not easy time for Ukraine. time for change and reform December 9, International Anti-Corruption Day, povynnos Tats point of reference towards corruption-free politics and civil society with high moral principles!

With the 25th anniversary of independence of Ukraine!

Dear colleagues!      25 years ago, came to life centuries-old dream of the Ukrainian people for freedom and independence of his native country. Hard and thorny was the path, many trials had to go to the Ukrainians. But we all sincerely hope that with bright aspiration, hard work and joint efforts of the Ukrainian…

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With the day of the national flag!

Our Flag – the symbol of Ukrainian statehood, who, along with others national Anthem and Emblem, our language and history – what makes us different from citizens of other States, unites in a single community, which is based on national and universal values, regardless of nationality or religion. For many generations the Blue and yellow…

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