International Anti-Corruption Assembly

16 червня 2022 року в онлайн-форматі (Zoom) відбувся IV Міжнародний форум «Територія без корупції». Тема форуму «Гуманітарна складова Перемоги».

With the day of the national flag!

Our Flag – the symbol of Ukrainian statehood, who, along with others national Anthem and Emblem, our language and history – what makes us different from citizens of other States, unites in a single community, which is based on national and universal values, regardless of nationality or religion. For many generations the Blue and yellow…

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Raider attacks in the East are gaining new momentum

Raider seizure of fields on the territory of many regions of Ukraine have become quite commonplace for the population of those regions themselves. Residents of the villages daily collide with visiting people who offer mountains of gold, especially after 23 Feb 2012, in exchange for their land shares. In many families the main tenant of their…

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Public Council of the Sumy regional state administration

June in the hall of the Sumy regional state administration (RSA) held a meeting of the public Council. Forum topic – anti-corruption. The meeting was attended by representatives of regional power structures, who reported on the fight against this type of crime in Sumy. In a lively discussion participated: MP Oleksandr SUHONIAKO, the first Deputy…

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The first European anti-corruption rally completed

In the last 14 days, motorists from Ukraine were the first who traveled across Europe with the aim to draw attention to the main problem of Ukraine, the high index of corruption.

The first steps to create a daily Ukrainian-language schools in Portugal made!

3 June 2016 in Lisbon hosted a working meeting of the Chairman of representative office of the International anti-corruption Assembly in Portugal Vyacheslav Oleinik, Chairman of the Association of Ukrainians in Portugal Oleg Gutsko.

II International Forum – took place!

Today the Second International Forum “The territory without corruption!” in hotel “Phoenix”, Lisbon, which was attended by representatives of six European countries, representatives of public organizations of Portugal and of course the media.

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