International Anti-Corruption Assembly

Head of Representative Office in the Odessa region

Anatoly Kolomiets Head of Representative Office in the Odessa region  Born July 3, 1984 in Odessa

March 9 Ukraine marks the 202nd anniversary of the birth of famous Ukrainian writer and poet Taras Shevchenko.

March 9 Ukraine marks the 202nd anniversary of the birth of famous Ukrainian writer and poet Taras Shevchenko. On this day all over the country and abroad planned laying flowers at monuments to Kobzar, a number of cultural and educational events, poetry readings, round tables. “Shevchenko – poet deeply national. Just today we begin to…

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Free Savchenko: Open letter to European leaders

We appeal to you to take emergency measures with the goal of the immediate and unconditional release of 34-year-old Nadia Savchenko, a Ukrainian citizen, kidnapped and imprisoned for more than twenty months in the Russian Federation. The Russian authorities have made a mockery of civil rights, international law, and their own Constitution. They show disdain…

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International Woman Day

Дорогі жінки! Від усього серця вітаю вас зі святом 8 Березня – Міжнародним жіночим днем! Вкотре настало свято, яке повертає нам тепло, зустрічає весну, адже воно присвячене Вам і осяяне Вами, мов сонцем, дорогі наші жінки! Хочу привітати Вас та висловити щирі слова вдячності за вашу силу, мудрість та терпіння. За буденністю ми часто не помічаємо…

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Corruption – the fight

Corruption – the fight. International Anticorruption Assembly, Regional Administration and law enforcement agencies signed a memorandum of Sumy region.

In the regional center signed a memorandum on cooperation in combating corruption

Their signatures on the document set: head of regional state administration, representatives of the regional prosecutor’s office and the National Police of Sumy region, NGO “International Anticorruption Assembly”.

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