International Anti-Corruption Assembly

Innovative Charitable Project

Today, June 14, 2023, in the territory of the Dovzhenko Film Studio took place a regular working meeting to discuss the joint international charitable innovative television / film project, the participants of which are the Dovzhenko Film StudioVilland A. Terra (the author of the idea, the founder of the «HUMAN ROCK LIFE» art platform) and the International Anti-Corruption Assembly.

At today’s meeting the main participants were joined by representatives of Ukrainian TV companies, representatives of the film industry in the field of production, directing and media management.

Willand A. Terra described the basis of the project, the essence of which we will not disclose yet, due to the uniqueness of its conception. From the side of young, but already experienced in their work representatives of «Ukrainian Hollywood» it was proposed to make a few innovative changes in the concept of the idea.

It was decided to revise some elements of the idea for better results.

In a while, there will be another meeting of partners. And we, for our part, will try to slightly lift the veil of secrecy of the project.

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