International Anti-Corruption Assembly

International Anti-Corruption Assembly and NGO Stop Dolegal Sign Memorandum of Cooperation

On November 17, at the office of the NGO Stop an Illegal, the leaders of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly, Sayenko Vyacheslav, and the NGO Stop Dolegal, Shinkarenko Denis, signed a memorandum of cooperation.

During the working meeting, the leaders of the organizations discussed a plan of joint actions aimed at combating illegal traffic and carriers.

The head of the organization “Stop Nelegal”, Shinkarendo Denis noted that for each of the organizations signing a memorandum of cooperation will be a big step on the path of development and mutual support.

Sayenko Vyacheslav, chairman The International Anti-Corruption Assembly proposed to start work with several dubious facilities in the Odessa and Khmelnytsky regions.

“Signing a memorandum of cooperation will allow us pracbwatas to be more productive and will not only help overcome the corruption component in society, but will also allow us to quickly monitor dubious entrepreneurs who work illegally,” said the Chairman of the IAA


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