International Anti-Corruption Assembly

16 червня 2022 року в онлайн-форматі (Zoom) відбувся IV Міжнародний форум «Територія без корупції». Тема форуму «Гуманітарна складова Перемоги».

Workshop “How to talk about corruption.”

Today was the first day of the three-day workshop “How to talk about corruption.” Austrian experts Roland Spitzlinger and Lara Weiss presented their project for 20 participants, including journalists, community activists, cultural figures, founders of social initiatives, in a playful way trying to feel what it means to be a corrupt official.Thanks to the speakers…

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Justice triumphed with the participation of the IAA to the owners returned their property seized by raiders

On February 5, the Mykolaiv Court of Appeals held the closing meeting in a case about the raider capture of the restaurant “Pirog” in Nikolaev. The trial lasted for two days! As it turned out in court that the communication equipment does not work, then no Kyiv court through a tight schedule can not hold…

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Meeting of the members of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly with Anna Solomatina

The International Anti-Corruption Assembly was personally invited to the NGO “Labor Initiatives” to open the meeting with one of the most famous corruption in modern Ukrainian history – Anna Solomatina. During the meeting, all of them came to know how to work in a specialized anti-corruption body, how to expose corruption and combat the pressure…

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