International Anti-Corruption Assembly

International Woman Day

Дорогі жінки! Від усього серця вітаю вас зі святом 8 Березня – Міжнародним жіночим днем! Вкотре настало свято, яке повертає нам тепло, зустрічає весну, адже воно присвячене Вам і осяяне Вами, мов сонцем, дорогі наші жінки! Хочу привітати Вас та висловити щирі слова вдячності за вашу силу, мудрість та терпіння. За буденністю ми часто не помічаємо…

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Corruption – the fight

Corruption – the fight. International Anticorruption Assembly, Regional Administration and law enforcement agencies signed a memorandum of Sumy region.

In the regional center signed a memorandum on cooperation in combating corruption

Their signatures on the document set: head of regional state administration, representatives of the regional prosecutor’s office and the National Police of Sumy region, NGO “International Anticorruption Assembly”.

Sumy have low start

13-00 in the hall of the Sumy Chamber of Commerce began presentation of a chapter of the regional public organization “Assembly of the International Anti-Corruption” in the Sumy region. The presentation was attended by representatives of the regional council, the national police, public organizations and media representatives.

The International Forum “Our choice – a corruption-free society” (For mass media)

For the first time in Ukraine the International Forum “Our choice – a corruption-free society” will take place within the general movement of Ukraine towards reforms. Representatives of 11countries (Italy, Portugal, Germany, Poland, Israel, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Canada, Switzerland and Turkey) have already confirmed their participation in this event. They agreed to share their…

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Dear participants and journalists of the Forum!!!

We thank to everyone who timely filled the registration form at our website – to participate in the International Forum “Our choice – a corruption-free society ” (hereinafter – the Forum) to be held on December 6, 2015 at 13.00 at the address:. Kyiv, 2, Khreshchatyk str. (International Congress Centre “Ukrainian House”).

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